Saturday, April 18, 2009

How it all started

There are a few things common to the human species and one in particular is the initial reaction to that statement from your Dr. that you have a terminal disease such as cancer. In my case I just had to be different.

I think a bit of explanation is needed and to be brief, which I am not renowned for, I will cover it in point form.

  • I am an Electrical Technician - cause and effect is paramount in my thinking.
  • I have solved problems all my working life - and prior, much to my mothers consternation.
  • I always approach a problem from a clinical point of view - even my own.
  • "Can't be done" is an anathema to me - if there's a will there is a way.
  • Lateral thinking is NOT common in the medical profession - from past experience with a minor heart attack - we have brought this on ourselves by forcing litigious medicine.
  • I research from various aspects - I play "what if" a lot - I follow through to possible conclusions.
  • I am not afraid of change, being different, sacrifice for a goal - even the ultimate goal.
  • I cannot tolerate ideological bullshit, yet have a strong spiritual outlook, my own, not religious dogma.

So, sitting in the Dr's surgery hearing a small piece of the truth, ..."you have advanced Prostate Cancer" nothing about "your going to die mate, 5 years tops". I accepted all I was told in a clinical manner while comforting my wife who tends to cry first and think later but that's OK gives me something to do while I take it all in. Four months later the diagnosis was aggressive advanced Prostate cancer. My new life started from this point.

For those of similar mind to me I'll give a time line for you to follow as the purpose of this blog is to maybe set an example (if I live) for others to follow (or not if I don't). I base my faith, hope, belief, whatever you want to call it, but have it you must, on my own research and logical rationalising as well as the work of so many others generally ignored by mainstream medicine. This includes top medical and biophysicist researchers of their day.

My research led me to two books which explain so much about the cause of cancer which has been known for over 80 years. Again generally ignored by mainstream medicine. They are:

  • The Hidden Story Of Cancer by Brian Scott Peskin. This deals with a correlation of a lot of papers written by mainstream medicine about the cause of cancer, especially the work of Otto Warburg and the primary cause of cancer, a lack of oxygen in the cells.
  • Fats that Heal Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus. This deals with the causes of a lack of oxygen at a cellular level

I have approached the cancer in the same way I dealt with the causes of the heart attack, research, trial, being very, very aware of what and how my body is reacting and keeping a diary.

We all live under threat whether we know it or not but to deal with a threat you first have to identify what it is. In my view the greatest threat for cancer sufferers is the arrogance and ignorance of mainstream medicine. Arrogance because they only know treatments delivered to them by big pharma while thousands of their patients die and they adjust the stats. to put their results in a better light. Ignorance because while their patients die in their thousands if just one patient under the care of an alternative practitioner dies then the entire fraternity is persecuted for it and their treatments deemed to be quackery.

Some edicts I follow:

For the truth, always follow the money trail.

Most answers to lifes questions are simple - just think about it.

Use the K.I.S. S. principle (Keep it simple stupid).


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