Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Two Years is Up

It is now December 2007 and over 2 years since starting the hormone therapy. I have had my last injection in August because it's stopped working, I have gone refractory in the medical vernacular. My PSA now at 30 is commencing a hockey stick curve on my graph and heads for the top of the page, I am at a loss at what to do. The first thing is a bone scan by the Nuclear Medicine Department, this is where they inject you with a radio isotope and you become the x-ray transmitter while they move a receiver over you and measure the radioactivity being emitted at the points where bone is being laid down by your body trying to keep pace with the cancer eating the bone away. This shows up as a bright spot on the film, oh, and they use your bladder as a contrast while your kidneys get rid of the radioactivity.

The result of all this was pleasing, to a point, after 2 years I am down from 13 lesions to 2 with 2 equivocals. The oncologist claims this as a result of the hormone therapy, I'm wondering what about the apricot kernels, did they have anything to do with it, and what about all the cottage cheese and flax seed oil Ive been scoffing. I have no way of knowing what caused what but that will change in the future.

My wife and I had spent some 4 years travelling Australia in a 4WD and a caravan. We had sold our business after 10 years of slog taking on everyone else's problems and were intending to just head out to visit our kids and grandkids on the west coast of Australia. We enjoyed the experience so much that we vowed to do it again. We were looking at caravans and decided that they were not of the quality to do what we wanted and those that were were very expensive. We decided to have a go at building one to our specifications. However I was pretty sick and although I carried out the design we decided to get someone else to build it for us. This had been going on for a couple of years and then the workshop that had been doing the building lost the employee doing the job to the government and he just couldn't be replaced. No qualified staff were available. So we took on finishing the building ourselves in the company workshop. This was to be my therapy and was at the same time I had gone refractory. Although still under the influence of the drugs and still am to some degree I was going to give it a go. However, back to the story.

By Christmas I am experiencing pain at the bone lesion site on the 5th rib under my right arm. This has always been the largest of the lesions and has maintained it's hold. I had built myself a Hulda Clark zapper which puts out a 22Khz square wave pulse. I used this over the lesion site with the intent that it will kill the cancer but I don't hold out too much hope. However, what it does do is kill the pain apparently by giving the nerves a good jangle it stops the pain from the lesion getting through. The first time I tried this using bare metal electrodes and an itsy bitsy 9volt battery I burnt myself under the armpit on one electrode. Fortunately the other electrode didn't cause the same effect as it was in my groin. This added to my discomfort somewhat and I now use a thin washing sponge soaked in brine to increase the conduction area on each electrode.

I am feeling desperate, I am no wiser as to what will stop this parasite eating my bones. A friend has emailed me with some information on Miracle Mineral Supplement or MMS. This stuff is actually a 28% solution of sodium chlorite and you mix it with a 10% solution of citric acid at a ratio of 1:5 in drops. The expected effect is to boost your immune system to help fight the cancer. I sat up till midnight on Christmas eve 2007 reading Jim Humble's story of how he discovered just what MMS would do. Fascinating, maybe this would save me, at least it was worth a try as main stream medicine could offer me nothing but a slow death.

By New years I have reached a stage where I cannot give anyone a hug, the pain is just too much. I'm thinking that it must be bad for a nice soft titty pushing into my chest to cause so much hurt. And it was. I find a supplier of MMS in Australia and order a bottle, citric acid I get from the supermarket as it's used in jam making and is readily available. I start at 2 drops and get no effect although the taste is pretty awful. I take another 2 in 4 hours and then another 2 in two hours. By now I have the trots (diarrhoea) but not too bad. Day 2: I start again and build up too 10 drops twice. By day three I'm hitting 15 drops. I still have the trots but it's easily tolerated and there is no pain or cramps. I've noticed a drop in the lesion pain when I hug my wife (or anyone else that wants a hug), However I put it down to placebo, I want this to work so badly. We work on developing the hug test as a measure of the effectiveness of the MMS.

By day 5 there is a marked difference in the pain level with the hug test I am allowing myself some indulgence with hope again, just a little mind you , we don't want to get carried away too soon. Things are improving every day and by day eight the pain when I hug is no more. Using the philosophy that if some's good more's better I increase the dose until I am taking up to 60 drops a day. The max recommended is 30. I have found that the trots decrease if I stop the cottage cheese and flax seed oil mix which I do. Come time for the PSA test and the decrease in the points increase is very heartening. As I started the MMS halfway through the test period a quick calculation puts my PSA into a net drop.

Just maybe I can beat this thing.


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